In a step toward increased sustainability, Rivertown Market will open without single-use plastic bags at our checkout, encouraging reusable, recyclable alternatives.
As a store we are aiming to eliminate single-use bags by encouraging customers to bring their own reusable bags and selling reusable and recyclable bags at the register. Customers who do not bring their own bags will have the option to purchase two types at checkout.
Our first option is a 10-cent low-density polyethylene bag made of 80 percent recycled content. Option two is a $1 black bag that is 100 percent recycled through our plastic bag recycling containers located in the front of the store. Each type is third-party verified to be used “up to 125 times" depending on load weight.
Rivertown Market Multi-Use Bag
Retail Price $1.00
Rivertown Market Multi-Use Bag
Retail Price 10¢
Meijer is committed to lessening our impact on the environment one step at a time. The decision is not only good for the environment, but good for winning business from patrons who value corporate responsibility.
“We understand this is not a common practice, but we believe this is the right move for this community and our customers”