Donation Requests

Please visit our Customer Service at Rivertown Market and ask for a Donation Request Form or download a copy here. Please fill out the form and to help us make an informed choice, attach any proposal documentation, the organizations W9, or additional information you would like us to consider. If possible, include several levels of available sponsorships and their benefits.

Return the completed Donation Request Form to the Rivertown Market Customer Service desk or attach all relevant information to an email and send to Depending on the amount of the donation requested, your local Meijer Store Director, Market Director, or Regional Director will be part of the decision-making process.

Rivertown Market does have a few guidelines for donations:

- Your organization must be a non-profit, federally recognized 501C-3 organization.
- It must be located within the physical area of our stores and market region.
- We limit all organizations to one donation per event and require that applications be submitted only at the Meijer location which is physically nearest your organization.
- Please note that Meijer donations are not available for political issues or campaigns.
- Please allow 60 days to process your request once it has been submitted to us. You will be notified of our decision by letter. If you have not heard from Meijer within 60 days, contact the Meijer store to which you turned in your Donation Request Form for an update. Please call between the hours of 9am - 3pm and ask for the Marketing Manager.